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Have you ever dreaded going to a meeting or wished your company would do away with meetings altogether? At one time or another, I am sure everyone has felt that way. I know I have. Nevertheless, doing away with meetings is not a sound or viable option, especially in today’s circumstances with so man...
Influencing others is an essential component of leadership. Depending on the audience, the nature of the request, the context of the situation or the desired outcome, there are a variety of tactics managers use to influence their followers. Some are more simple and straightforward; others are more c...
Leaders can build trust and realize better results by fostering a culture of self-management Far from the laissez-fare approach it may sound like, self-managed teams rely on leader involvement for success Well over a year since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, all indications are that remote work...
Key Takeaways Some might be apprehensive about returning to the office after over a year of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic Leaders can promote an environment of psychological safety to provide a sense of wellbeing Leading others who are returning to the physical office after COVID-19 is no...
At first glance, the words ‘nice’ and ‘kind’ could be considered interchangeable. After all, an act of kindness is nice, and being nice could also be considered kind. However, the subtle nuances that distinguish a person being nice versus being kind often resides in the underlying intention of the a...
You might have seen the  news  this week that Ernest Shackleton’s ship, the Endurance, was discovered in Antarctica after sinking more than 107 years ago. Searchers found the ship 9,842 feet below the surface of the Weddell Sea on the northern coast of Antarctica.  While the discovery is considered ...
“No matter how good you think you are as a leader, my goodness, the people around you will have all kinds of ideas for how you can get better. So for me, the most fundamental thing about leadership is to have the humility to continue to get feedback and to try to get better – because your job is to ...
Now that we are a full year into this pandemic, working from home or attending school from home has become the new normal for many of us.  The good news is we are starting to see a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel now. Have you noticed that people are still saying, “when we get back to normal...
2021 was truly a year of peaks and valleys as we continue to collectively navigate the COVID-19 pandemic. From the unprecedented development/distribution of new vaccines and the return to office spaces, to the global supply chain disruptions and emergence of variant virus strains, this past year was...
How have you been adjusting to working remotely? Have you enjoyed bringing your ‘whole self’ to work? Or have you found yourself using more virtual backgrounds so as to not overshare personal effects in the work setting? How have you been taking time to rest and recharge your batteries? Or have you ...